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The Crimson Viel, a place where all the pantheons to every exist and shall be born have agreed to build, under the rule of the creators.    


The Builders, Ophim and Genora were beings that were created by the one creator god that spawned all life. They manage the items, beings and facilities of the reliquary.


They sought the Necrotean Guard, Gorgons to serve the Citadel every hundred years. In return they were given life time eternal, lodging and facilities to maintain their whole center.


It is said the Citadel can be reached through the passage ways of the universe, the very veins that vigor flowed through to give life to myriad universes.


Infact the place where the Reliquary lies, it is a pocket universe. The realm is eternal, infinite and has no limit of space.


There are places of interest, one of which is forbade to enter. The throne and chambers of the beings Ophim and Genora.


The Spires, are city like. The Gardens are of legend and vibrance.


None shall enter, save for Gods, Necrotean Guard and higher beings to deposit items. Once an item is interned, the item remains. With the Exception of the Seed of Knowledge.

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