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Planetary Class: Omicron Theta


Planetary Age: Trillions of Years


Planetary System: One Inhabitable World, Nine Planets, Twenty Seven Moons, Triple Sun, Interior debrii belt.


Dominant Species: Homonus SerpensPlanetary


History: The planet was a vibrant planet of various eco-systems, deserts, jungles, mountains, plains and oceans was old when the universe was young. The planet has existed in a phase bubble so no outside influences had disturbed the planetary eco system. The dominant anamorphic beings had taken control relatively early, exuding an empire which spread throughout all clans.The planet was under watch of higher beings, unbeknownst to them they were targeted and given all they needed as a race of builders, forgers, smiths and creative’s and built a utopian planet till the phase aura collapsed and a planetoid size mass hit the planet. The catastrophe had caused massive planetary problems, near extinction.


Places of Interest: The City, the only inhabitable city in the interior of the planet. The city is technologically advanced for what you think a Gorgon society maybe. There is a square at the center of city in honor of Genora. The Pathorian Jungle and Mountain Apex Spring. Well of Solus, the portal to the Crimson Veil, there is a series of platforms, in the top platform is a settlement, a plush and upscale city of comfort for the Necrotean Gaurd chosen.


Genoran Square: A meeting place for the general populas of the planet. This Square is where they honor Genora and Ophim for their attention and saving their world. The sqaure is at the base of this Well City.


Place of the Ancestors: This place is the most sacred of all places on Pathor. The planet wide mecha that occurs is proof of this. The Interior of Temple is a mixture of MesoAmerican and Greek. The temple holds the most dangerous to the Gorgons species in a crystal prison. The Temple has an expansive chamber locked by a set of large metallic doors resistant to harm and can only be opened by the five keys of the clans.


Pyrem Sunken Continent: A continent sunken in large hole within the planetiod. The Continent frozen in time still progresses, it's a modern utopia of advanced architecture and sophisticated cities. There is a bay of water that was placed there by Ophim, the waters themselves are mystical and have healing properties. Within the center chamber the continent has the place where the next Necrotean Guard is chosen through trial by combat.

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